I began listening to my audiobook of Gregg Braden’s “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief” today. Just 11 minutes into it he lists 5 facts that Science has established in the late 1990’s and early 21st century:
- The Universe, our world and our bodies are made of a shared field of energy that was scientifically recognized in the 20th century and is now identified by names that include: the field, the quantum hologram, the mind of God, Nature’s mind, the matrix and the Divine Matrix.
- In the field of the Divine Matrix things that have been connected physically and then separated act as if they are still connected through a phenomenon know as quantum entanglement.
- Human DNA directly influences what happens in the Divine Matrix in a way that appears to defy the laws of time and space.
- Human feeling, emotions and belief directly changes the DNA that influences what happens in that matrix.
- When we change our beliefs about our bodies and our world the Divine Matrix translates that change into the reality of our lives.
It is number 3’s “defying of the laws of time and space” that I have not yet heard before. I’ve gotten the first inklings of understanding how to change the reality of my life with my beliefs. I can’t say that I’ve mastered the talent. But more on that later.
I read Bruce Lipton’s book “Spontaneous Evolution” last winter and again last spring. He cites Gregg Braden on pp. 201, and 277-279. Bruce got me very excited about concrete scientific explanations of a mind/body connection that in turn increased my appetite for understanding and utilizing intuition.
So now I perform some basic tasks that allow me to feel the opposite of stress, a nurturance or well being that is pervasive enough to be felt throughout my body and mind often enough to gradually improve both body and mind. But what’s this about defying laws of time and space? I shall read (listen) more and keep you informed.
Meanwhile, my tip for the day:
Meditate, get quiet and just observe your thoughts for 10 of 15 minutes. If “just sitting” is too hard to do, get active and try being the observer of your thoughts in some activity that helps focus you until you are free from the inner dialogue. It may not be easy but when you establish a habit of doing something like this you begin to feel more relaxed, a great side benefit while you are waiting for something more interesting to “pop up” in that “pool of still water.”