A Deep Commitment to Introspection

Ah, to see myself as others see me.  You might consider it a blessing or a curse.  But being incurably optimistic I’m looking on the bright side for the nugget of self understanding that would allow me to shrink my own blind spot and grow in any beneficial way possible.

In specific terms, yesterday a friend suggested I seemed suspicious of something and then suggested that I should think about it for a while.  So think I did and not 24 hours later I realized that I was holding someone who was close to me in the expectation that (s)he would persist in avoiding solving a problem for her/himself and continue to seek outside help (unsuccessfully).

Since this realization came to me while reading a novel that contained some very practical suggestions for releasing expectations of others, the “eureka” moment was reinforced with two gongs going off at once.  Then the third gong sounded when I reflected over the last several days that I had been hearing about and considering in my mind another releasing process that seemed even more powerful than the one in the novel I was reading about.

And that is where you get your tip for the day!

I must thank and cite Marci Schimoff and her new book “Love for No Reason.”

The process is called:


and goes like this:

“Sit quietly and mentally repeat over and over to yourself:

I’m sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

I love you

You can have yourself in mind or another person or situation as you do this process. When you use this as a daily practice, you will notice that areas where you previously felt defensive, sad, hurt, judgmental or angry (any kind of upset) will begin to soften and you will feel more compassionate and loving.”

Now the feeling that was described to me by my friend was suspicion, but I would consider that it fit the above situation as being subtly judgmental.  I am wise enough to know that by taking responsibility for the expectations I have of others I can benefit myself and others by releasing them.  So, I am practicing Ho’oponopono and looking forward to the benefits it brings.

P.S. If you are interested in more practical skills and knowledge than just the Ho’ oponopono, check this out:

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