Having read this http://wapo.st/2B0iWKt and more that is related to it http://bit.ly/2j8WtiQ and http://wapo.st/2ziU9i0 . I have some thoughts:
If it is “Star Wars” time again at the movie theaters and the Pentagon is allowing verifiable videos of UFO features to be declassified, then maybe we can expect some new ideas entering into our Science Fiction. The features I refer to in the new UFO videos are the lack of regard for Newtonian Physics, the physics of the use of force. This is what our current transportation reality seems to be most dependent upon. Combustion engines, jet engines, even electrical power comes from moving water or moving air at best and explosive gases, liquids or solids at worst.
Not so with these UFOs. No exploding gases roaring out of a UFO’s tail is seen. And as to their performance, the unbelievable acceleration and their abrupt changes in direction are impervious to what we consider to be laws of inertia; Newton’s first law of motion. The pilots of military chase planes know this first hand. They see the UFO objects demonstrate what their own experience says can’t be real. They know that they would black out at least if not die if their aircraft experienced the actions of these UFOs with their bodies in them. The pilot reaction to this is “expletive deleted.”
The “To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences” (according to the Washington Post) says that it specializes in promoting UFO research for scientific and entertainment purposes. That is why a former head of the Pentagon’s program named “The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program,” AATIP, got 3 videos of UFOs declassified for use by his new employer, the “To the Stars Academy.”
I think that the word “entertainment” in this context is code for “fear the aliens” but it doesn’t have to be. Maybe my thinking is too cynical. Maybe there is an opposite conspiracy afoot. Shall we instead anticipate something different extending the canon of “Star Wars” into the realm of a “Star Peace?” I know it is not blockbuster box office material but SW canon does suggest that fear and hate lead away from a positive more powerful use of “The Force.” In the movies it now works out as a hero vanquishing a villain through force of combat. Not right away of course, but eventually. What if a mastery of “The Force” is total displacement of any fear or hate.
We may have a very difficult time imagining this in our world but deep in our mystical cultural roots we can find that there is an emotional state that displaces, has no room for fear or hate. Here is my suggestion. Star Wars may be coming to a close and will be eventually replaced by a Star Peace. Slowly at first but the change will be coming more quickly as we humans actively seek some emotional state to displace the increasing fear, anger and hate we now see in our world.
I have faith in a metaphorical Newton’s Third Law; For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I believe the push back against the increasing fear, anger and hate has already begun and will continue with a great sense of determination and conscious intention.
If you are interested in my reading that led to my above perspective on this latest news, here’s my footsteps you can follow:
First article read was: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/head-of-pentagons-secret-ufo-office-sought-to-make-evidence-public/2017/12/16/90bcb7cc-e2b2-11e7-8679-a9728984779c_story.html?tid=pm_pop&utm_term=.5523a7503afe
I note the peculiar use of the word “entertainment” in the above article. I summarize a few things from the article to get to my point.
First I must say that intelligence officer, Luis Elizondo, is described as being in the Defense Department two months ago, running a program called The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. Then he applies for and receives clearance for public viewing of 3 videos. The article contains one of them as an example.
Then Elizondo admits that the reason for the clearance for public viewing of these videos is actually to shed light on that program within Defense that he was in charge of for 7 years. This clarifies that the program known as “The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program” was a low-key Defense Department operation to collect and analyze reported UFO sightings.
Next it is revealed that Elizondo has retired and begun consulting for a private company who has requested and received confirmation by a Pentagon spokesman of the existence of the “The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program.” That private company is identified as “To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences.” It is in the fourth paragraph of the news story that this company says that it specializes in promoting UFO research for scientific and entertainment purposes.
It IS INTERESTING that the “Academy” has as an officer a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence, Christopher Mellon. Two defense intelligence retirees, and 3 declassified videos of verifiable “anomalous aerial vehicles” (military jargon for UFOs) are now involved in “science and entertainment.” It is interesting to note that the Washington Post has been having confidential conferences with the “To the Stars Academy” for the last 2 months.
Might it be safe to say that the inclusion of “entertainment” in the mission of the “To the Stars Academy” may help bring about a better understanding of contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence? Some of the follow up reading in the links below will reveal that though only about 12 out of 100 of the scenarios suggested for contact with ETIs is considered to be pessimistic or “Klingon-like.” We can’t seem to come up with a balanced view of ET that gives peace a chance 12% of the time let alone the corresponding 88% that scientists consider to be likely. But then again, when do scientific facts make for good let alone blockbuster box office receipts.
Viewing the one video example on the YouTube channel page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=tf1uLwUTDA0
I see there more info on the one currently released video as well.
Then a link within the first article in yesterdays Washington Post helped me explore the cultural side to extra terrestrial intelligence “visits” see: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/the-latest-debate-about-space-aliens-should-we-say-hello-or-keep-quiet/2015/02/28/43aa4a52-bcf5-11e4-bdfa-b8e8f594e6ee_story.html?tid=a_inl&utm_term=.925de77f3e9e
Being curious about the Sci Fi writer mentioned in the symposium I looked up on Wiki-encyclopedia, David Brin
He seems to have a very positive direction to his Sic Fi themes in one series. He even suggests that humans will have a future role in nurturing other planetary cultures. Perhaps this is what is really going on right now. Could it be that a variety of Extra Terrestrial Intelligences are discreetly nurturing the human race.
I kept reading and these following are my foot steps but perhaps more tangental and less directly related to my blog entry.
Then I went to Achenblog, the above writer’s blog:
to read:
then I began to read: