Beliefs & Meditation

I started meditating with with certain beliefs in mind.

  1. I could improve myself
  2. I could make a clearer connection with my intuition and make better decisions (the moment to moment ordinary decisions or bigger once in a while decisions)
  3. I could relax more and be anxious less

About 4 or 5 years ago I listened to the audiobook “The Power of full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal” by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz.  I took away from that book an important fact. Any little sequence of  actions, let’s call it a simple ceremony, that you use to create focus and you use to intend some successful action becomes a strong suggestion that focuses more of your mind and body to better perform and renew yourself for future performance improvement.

These two authors were sports psychologists and had a very impressive record of helping people with performance in that arena and then they branched out into consulting with business people and performance in business.

So, I took what I learned and believed from this audiobook resource and decided that my meditation should include some ceremony that would help me.  Hmmm, what simple ingredients should I include?

  1. Think with each breath “I become more relaxed and more healthy.”
  2. When you’ve begun to feel more calm and relaxed, think with each breath I welcome thoughts that help me and help others in a positive way.”
  3. Observe the thoughts that come to mind,
  4. Then repeat these three simple steps

And that’s your top for the day!

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