Begin Again

Here I am again after almost 7 years of quiet. I have returned to meditating to reduce stress and begin to channel. The world situation was very motivating, for survival’s sake. I needed the stress relief more than I needed my doubt about whether this channeling process was real or not.

In the last few months messages from Martin have gotten my attention plus I have been more attentive to the content, more comfortable with the process and happy to strike up a dialogue with him/them.

So today I listened, and this is what I learned.

I indirectly asked for help from my wife, Estra, by admitting my negative feelings (about myself) without blame but accepting my responsibility for them. It was safe to hug me, I was upset with myself and not being “prickly” to others.

She did hug me. I listened for the feeling as she hugged and it began. There was a little watery feeling about my eyes and a slight change in the feeling in my chest. That was my way out. Minutes would pass before I could get to the opportunity to take this into a morning meditation, but when that opportunity came I took it. With a solfeggio frequency playing on Tibetan singing bowls in the background I settled into a light meditative state.

I remembered the images and ideas from the “The 1 Field” documentary we watched a couple days ago. I could imagine the slight expansion of the magnetic field around my heart. Next came the memory of the Nova PBS episode on Quantum theory and a brief mention of Quantum Entanglement.

Then an image popped into my mind of the human magnetic field around the heart; the similar magnetic field around the earth followed. And then there was resonance. I believe that I had successfully performed the behavioral recipe for “Grounding.” I felt safer, my feelings of panic and anger were gone.

I must summarize what I did next in that meditative state since the details may be too much for this blog post entry. There was Love and Light, Power and Purpose combined in a great world wide wave. It seemed like I was a surrogate for all the ordinary people, the muggles, the hobbits, and the less informed voters. I could feel this relief for them, for their soothing and healing from the fear and darkness they see.

And, at last, I gave that LOVE, that RELIEF to him; he who must not be named.

Then, my meditation, which was surprisingly clear and alert, sank into a deeper state, less conscious more relaxed and with no recall, the dreamless sleep of PEACE.

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