Taking a Bolder Step

I was listening to Gregg Braden again, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, and connecting his two Einstein references.  To paraphrase:

  1. Do you believe the Universe is a positive (helpful) or negative (hurtful) place?
  2. Subjective consciousness, that which is observed is changed by the act of conscious observation. (you know the 1909 experiment that created “quantum physics,” is light a particle or a wave, the observer seems to decide)

On point one, the question goes to the heart of what my trend of thought tends to be.  I experience my world, inner aspects as well as outer aspects and I think further based on the core belief of positive or negative.  If I choose positive then that which I observe is likely to become positive given the truth of the second item.  If I choose negative then that which I think further becomes more negative.

I do notice that I can maintain (for my inner world) a concrete physical state of calmness, and relaxation in choosing the positive chain reaction.  And just the same I’ve noticed the physical state of anxiety or stress can be encouraged through the the choice of the negative chain reaction.

Recently, I’ve noticed through the experiment with this choice of thoughts and subsequent experiences that more and more outside aspects of my world are returning to me in kind.  One could call it the Cosmic “Tit for Tat,” or keep both vowels the same, for symmetry sake (Tat for Tat).

Here’s your tip for the day:

Be Bold and take the positive path in subjective consciousness, and soon you’ll notice an increase of mighty forces that come to your aid.

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