Okay, I won’t bury the lead. I’ll concisely give you the what, the how, and then more on the why at the end (which is bound to be lengthy). So you can get on with your busy day with the exact level of “diving into the depths” that you wish.
A global “Financial Superentity” may have been discovered! Its economic actions need not be random. Evidence exists that a small number of meditators, healers and persons with true wisdom (who may not be financial experts, but these types are not ruled out) can influence the “Financial Superentity!” You can be one of those influential people. To influence the “Financial Superentity” you must follow the “recipe.” (In other words, don’t be surprised: if you fry the ingredients for an angel food cake, it won’t taste or look any thing like an angel food cake.)
This is the recipe.
Here’s your ingredients:
1. Add: the perspective of the Global Consciousness Project. We humans are increasingly aware of a global perspective and are both influenced by and are influencing the entire world. Yes, random number generators all over the planet are scientific evidence that something “spooky, ” as Einstein would say, is going on. Whatever we, as a mass of billions of individuals, are thinking and feeling is feeding back to and nudging the world around us. [more on this as I promised, in the why section]
2. Add these images. On the left the Apollo 17 photo that to this day gives us a perspective of the planet and ourselves as one entity in space. On the right is a graphic “Our Financial World Dominated by a Few,” and the subtitle of the Science News article is “‘Superentity’ Controls More than One-third of Global Wealth.” Now, hold that judgement! Stay objective! Just move on to ingredient number 3. [hang in there, we’re getting to the big pay off]
3. Add YOU: a responsible and responsive healer. Yes you are. You are healing yourself through your immune system right now as you read this. Plus, if you are not falling for the trap of worrying about money, being envious of those 147 entities (the red dots) that control 40% of all financial transactions that the computer has graphed in 2007, then your positive emotional state is contributing even more to your healing immune system. Still having some trouble making an emotional shift to the positive? That’s okay many of us are experiencing some difficulty in that regard. Here look at these flowers a few moments, get into the feeling of fall colors; fall memories of beauty; children playing in leaf piles; good. Now we can move on the the HOW!
Here’s your process, stirring and baking to keep up the metaphor
Now with that good feeling your thoughts and memories have conjured up, look back at the graphic from Science News. Speak to yourself and the 147 (maybe it’s 146 without Leahman Brothers) reassuringly. “It’s going to be alright. There is love here for you, nurturance, support, we are all going to get through this time and things will be much better.” Understand that these images are suggesting strongly that we are all one entity. We share these feelings and what you want is to feel better (less worry, less stress), feel more nurturance, heal yourself and that entity in the same breath (do remember to breathe during this, a little more oxygen helps with the healing process).
So, to summarize, look at the flowers; feel better. Look at the images of Earth and the superentity from Science News, think nurturing thoughts and feel loving feelings. Then rinse and repeat. You know, go back to the flowers, re-charge and give the superentity another shot of healing energy. Some words of advice: spend a few more seconds on the flowers, you want to be sure you’ve got some positive momentum and move off the global images as soon as you mind starts to drift (or worry creeps in). And, use the scroll bar to hide top images while you absorb the positive focusing on the flowers.
Ahh, now I get to talk more about the “Why”
It’s hard for me, holding back all these details and thoughts that speed through my mind. And it is quite relieving to let go and ramble until I get them all out there. Thanks to those of you who are hanging around to find out more. I will still put in the effort to be somewhat concise and organized with these details.
The Global Consciousness Project (http://noosphere.princeton.edu/)
The GCP examines subtle correlations that reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world. The GCP monitors random number generators (located in 70 host sites) all over the world and has noticed that when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, the network of RNG’s becomes subtly structured. The probability of this structural appearance is less that 1 in a billion. Major events (such as the tragedy of 9/11/2001) might fall into the area of statistical relevance and support this idea of “a thinking envelope.” Though I would prefer to express it as “A consciousness envelope.” This is the quick definition that applies to the funny word (nooshpere) in the url for the Global Consciousness Project. I like the more inclusive word consciousness because it covers the idea that I am very often conscious of my feelings and I have many thoughts about my feelings
Meditate for Social Change?
Of course a few of us meditating won’t get picked up as empirical data on the RNG network. But, as the GCP’s answer to an FAQ on effecting social change states, “A better option is our human sensitivity, the direct perceptions of heart and mind, which are the finest tools we have for this purpose.” So this is where I’ll write in reference to those feelings that I have many thoughts about. Why not meditate for social change? I have first hand experience with the individual change. I know for a fact that my sincere expression of compassion in a “social encounter” with lots of individuals who have stood right in front of me has had positive effects. So, without going into too much detail now, I will believe that there is a good chance for some quantum characteristic to be possible that effects my range. Now I can’t personally attend the Wall St. protest(s). But, I can contribute my consciousness to that which is already amassing and nudge the “‘Superentity’ Controls More than One-third of Global Wealth.” And I prefer to nudge in a positive direction. I’ll look further into the this by studying the “Global Coherence Initiative” (http://bit.ly/BTuTb) to see what more can be learned about this direction.
Why regard the image from a computer as a ‘Superentity?’
Just like the image of the Earth from the Apollo 17 it inspires a perspective. Sure the perspective refers to a subject which is now the source of much anxiety, fear and/or loathing. But consider the perspective of the Science News article’s researcher. She recognizes that a relatively small set of relationships can have a very significant effect. Here I’ll quote her (Brandy Aven of Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburg), “‘Imagine a disease spreading. If you have a high school where everyones sleeping together and one person gets syphilis, then everyone gets syphilis.’ but on the flip side, she notes, interconnectedness can lead to better self-policing and positive behaviors, such as fair labor practices.” A system subject to feedback, possibly self -correcting at least if not an organic entity.
I for one would like the ‘Superentity’ to be aware of and acting for its own enlightened self interest. Any system needs to be aware of actions that maintain its health. Its homeostasis might be considered a bit out of wack given all the feedback we are now getting about our financial system. Seeing news about the teach-ins currently going on at the “Wall St.” location(s) and the relatively civil and peaceful behavior, I’d say that the system is in the beginning stages of correcting itself and positively encouraging it just seems right to me.
Why “heal” the ‘Superentity?’
First I would consider that the ‘Superentity’ is made up of human beings. And they respond as human being would to threats and nurturance. Push the “SE” with threats and it would be stressed, consider fight or flight. Do the opposite (however we may operationally define nurturance) and you would see self awareness or conscience emerge as the human focus. Second I would base my answer to that on the understanding that the ‘Superentity’ is an organic system that would respond to nurturance by allowing more financial wealth to flow. Just like an organic system might restrict flow when in shock or experiencing fear, preparing for fight or flight. I can’t promise that the protesters are actually contributing positive healing feelings or thoughts toward the financial ‘Superentity,’ but since I can only control my own emotional and psychological state, I’d rather acquire the benefits of shifting my own consciousness toward nurturance for my own immediate benefit and allow for how there might be a more general effect. I’d consider it a speculative bonus and if I allow my belief system to accept it as a possibility then there might just be a better chance of it happening.
But, there’s more. (part of me will miss you Steve Jobs, but the other part feels you’re still there)
What if research is adding more and more proof that this kind of influence (now we begin to use the word entanglement) can be communicated through a system. I recall Bruce Lipton’s “Spontenous Evolution” (p. 281) suggesting that “electrical activity of the two communicating hearts and brains become entangled and begin to entrain with one another. This research offers even more profound implications for activating a coherent world-wide healing field because it reveals that the healing coherence of love is contagious and can rapidly spread throughout a population.”
You’ve gotten to the end of this? Really, thanks for your time and attention. I’ll do my best to prove worthy of it next time I share with you a “Letter from my soul.”