Keep in mind that this “Mind Walk” is taking you outside of your usual limits of perception and your usual belief system. It’s good to grow.
“E Pluribus Unum” is the first step. “E Universe Pluriverse” is the second step. And last is the concept of “Ad Infinitum.” Think of the whole of these three as “Worlds Without End” and “So It Goes!”
So, diving into the perceptions of our characters we see what they see, perceive what the perceive and expand ourselves into their worlds with our imagination, hoping that it makes enough sense we can relate to it and is interesting enough to follow without much effort.
The world according to Ree-Nee is constantly expanding and contracting. Contraction occurs with every visit to Poly. Expansion comes when she withdraws from the world surrounding Poly and then re-enters the world around her father and around her “People” (mysterious beings we will learn about later).
The world around Poly, however, expands and contracts with her emotional state on one hand and is encouraged to expand whenever she is around Ree-Nee. Around Ree-Nee the expansion is a slow constant pull exerted by a gentle but persistent feeling of “Love.”
The appearances and disappearances of Ree-Nee are supported by characters behind the scenes. These two characters (D & E) and their staff are great spherical balls of consciousness appearing as light (when appearances are necessary). That is how Ree-Nee and her father, and any of her “People” are able to manifest in Poly’s world. Passing from a physical dimensional state into an extra dimensional state from one place and time into another place and time is as easy and as unexplainable as scene changes in our dreams when we are sleeping. The relationship between these great spheres of consciousness and Ree-Nee’s People is cooperative but vague. The kind of relationship between a parent and child leaves the child trusting but unconscious of all the details of the parents point of view. We shall leave it that way focusing only on the lower levels of characters in the story and avoid the ones that are definitely above our pay grade.
The dream analogy however has its limits. The universe that this story is bringing to you is created through an immense amount of energy converting to matter and then dissipating as energy once again through wormholes in our universe to a source akin to all black holes tied together inter-dimensionally. Wow, what a recycling plan!
I know, your head is starting to hurt. Go back to the beginning of this “Mind Walk” and trace these steps. Empty space all around us vibrates to bring into existence all the particles of matter that create our universe. From our point of view all this matter vibrates at a frequency that is slow enough that we can keep a chair a chair, a table a table, and our buttocks and hands can count on not falling through anything. With that sense of comfort we can call this universe “Home.”
“Home” is wherever you hang your hat. “Hat” being the metaphor for your point of view, your perceptual accumulated conglomeration of stuff that you consider reality. Hard to believe? Well then, I hope I am gently and lovingly expanding your conscious belief systems and helping you make sense of “What is Reality?!”
So, here we are bending your reality with characters that can blink in and out of existence (as perceived by other characters), travel great distances in time and space AND MOST IMPORTANTLY feel and express in a tangible manner emotional states that are outside our range of experience, let alone our conceivable understanding.
Another take on this idea would be that Ree-Nee is a falling (and then rising) angel. Constantly falling into Poly’s world and then rising out of it. Each time Poly experiences a pull of “gravitational love.” It expands her consciousness again and again helping over the challenges that she meets in her growing world.
Now Daniel, weave and write this into a plot!