My Optimism Could Be A Chronic Condition

I would like it to be so.  I have an easier time thinking positive thoughts about and for others than myself.  But there seems to be a tendency within me to float toward the positive even if it comes after an inward rant at myself.  Ah, yes, the inward rant, an experience I have when mistakes or self imposed pressure gets the best of me.

So, there you have two core beliefs I have reflected upon.

  1. I tend to think positive even if it takes a long exhaustive trip down “Downer Lane.”
  2. “Downer Lane” is a choice I make when I think that my responsibility for correcting mistakes begins with guilt and self punishment or
  3. To accomplish many things under pressure I must start with the idea of having “no fun at all,” but having only hard work and determination to get through.

Whoops, can’t count can I, that was three beliefs.  I’ll stop with the enumeration while I’m behind and make the point that my intuition just whispered to me.

Psst…It’s all about the beliefs.

You’ve got positive ones and not so positive ones.  At least your actions or thoughts are less positive when you labor under certain beliefs than others.  I’m about to reference Lipton’s “Spontaneous Evolution” and Braden’s “Spontaneous Healing of Belief” again.  Perhaps at one time certain beliefs helped me but now I’d like some relief from oppressive beliefs.  I’d like to think optimistically that I could change some of these beliefs, rewrite the program, as “L” and “B” mention to be more efficient and productive.  I’ll keep “Belief No. 1” just as it is and modify numbers 2 and 3

  1. Be optimistic at any opportunity, it is less painful to suffer the slings and arrows of pessimists than to stew in your own juices
  2. Forgive yourself and move on, it’s the straighter line between mistakes and positive correction
  3. Have some fun, it can be part of any experience you have the skill to attach the memory of that feeling to. At least optimistically believe you can improve your feeling state at any time in any situation.

Tip of the day = believe that you can modify and change your beliefs to better serve you. Actually that was yesterday’s tip and it just got delivered late.  My mistake.

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One Response to My Optimism Could Be A Chronic Condition

  1. Estra says:

    Yes, life is supposed to be fun! And forgiveness is such a powerful practice if you can do it. We are all part of the All-That-Is and we are seen by our Source as perfect. This physical life is just a journey we have chosen to undertake in order to have experiences, decide what we prefer, then expand into it! My favorite thing to do when I find myself in that old familiar negative self-talk (my beliefs that haven’t yet shifted) is to say, “Wouldn’t it be nice if…” That shifts my focus to the positive pretty quickly.
    Great post, keep them coming!

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