The Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is an acknowledgement that we are all one, namaste (the spirit within me honors and respects the spirit within you).
The Prime Directive is an order or mission which presents the overriding control over a course of action. In the context of the Star Trek fictional universe, this overriding mission order applies to Starfleet personnel interference in civilizations which are below a certain technological threshold.
In our case the ‘directive’ is not an order against interference but a barrier against a civilization from accessing a level of technology that would allow them to suspend the Newtonian laws of physics in macroscopic circumstances when that member or members of the civilization cannot manifest as a being that is ‘at one with all other beings within the universe.’
So, in order to travel at a speed faster than the speed of light a being would have to be in a state of consciousness that is at one with the consciousness of the universe. Thus protecting by a rule of isolation other civilizations from a harmful act of a less developed civilization.
The Golden Prime Directive is not governing the actions of a more advanced civilization in our universe like an overriding order imposed on a highly advanced extra-terrestrial civilization, but level of consciousness to be obtained, or that a civilization is initiated into before that civilization can cross from a Newtonian Physical Law reality into a Quantuum Physical Law (flexible) reality.
From what I recall in Alice Bailey’s writings I draw on the concept of “A Ring Pass Not.” This is the barrier of time and space that cannot be overcome with conventional rocket engines nor any other type of thrust propulsion because it cannot over come the conversion of energy to mass barrier which prevents faster than light travel.
The irony of the Scientific Method is that it tries to create an objective understanding of the Universe and from that objectivity establish a truth for all members of our civilization to agree upon it. The Method ignores the fact that the consciousness of the investigating scientist actually participates in the creation of the reality that it wishes to perceive and establish as a truth. Thus if you perceive light to be energy, it is measurable as energy and behaves as energy. If you perceive light to be a mass (particle) it is measurable as a particle and behaves as a particle (mass).
So, the Scientific Method becomes an infinite number of baby steps taken to establish a reality which already exists as a common reality (truth) established by the common perception of all participants in our culture (terrestrial civilization). As we slowly expand our common understanding of the truth we create an ever expanding set of beliefs, the system of which creates the reality we agree upon and that is what constructs our Newtonian Physical Law reality.
But, the one thing that bridges the gap between this primitive understanding of our Newtonian Physical Law reality and the Quantuum Physical Law reality which would allow travel beyond a “Ring Pass Not” is the achievement of a level of consciousness by the whole of the civilization in a firm, concrete belief; a belief in that oneness of consciousness which prevents harm to all others specifically because it prevents harm to ourselves. We are one and the same being. We are one in thought, in emotion, in spirit and that is as real to us as all other things we consider as true in our understanding of this universe. I sit on a chair and I do not fall through it. It is real.
So it follows that if I am at one with the Universe, I am in this time and space and I am in another time and space of my imagining that exceeds the Newtonian Laws of Physicality and allows me to exceed the Newtonian Physical Laws of the speed of light or the laws of acceleration and inertia. So, to someone confined to Newtonian Physical Laws it appears that I can violate those laws by moving at excessive speeds and experience no consequences of inertia due to excessive speed. I can pass through liquids and solids as if they are less substantial in mass than the nitrogen oxygen mass that is our atmosphere.
To conclude this for tonight I would like to state that our mass consciousness is evolving more and more rapidly. That flexibility which is injected into our reality from that expanding mass consciousness will eventually have an impact on us, on our reality. This will reverse certain ‘false premises’ that we use to create our belief systems and there will be a change in reality that will become easily taken for granted and at the same time impossible to resist.
Next time…what are those false premises?